Soraya saenz de santamaria marido

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Durante el juicio, Salmeron dijo al tribunal que la niña se ha negado a ver a su padre. Sin embargo, el juez creyó que esto se debía a que está siendo influenciada por su madre y por ello condenó a Salmeron por «desobedecer» los términos de la custodia compartida.

El pasado viernes, 5 de febrero, Salmeron iba a ser encerrado por orden judicial. Pero durante la reunión del Consejo de Ministros de esa misma mañana, el gobierno decidió indultarla. Así, la vicepresidenta en funciones, Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría, acompañada del ministro de Justicia en funciones, Rafael Catala, anunció la decisión en una rueda de prensa.

Soraya saenz de santamaria wikipedia spanish

Santamaria, who surprised by winning as the most voted candidate in the primaries of the conservative party, was precisely the rival that least interested PSOE and Ciudadanos, for defending a political project located more to the center than the one currently led by Casado. In order to deactivate her rival, she even offered him a unitary candidacy, without success.

With the arrival of the PP to La Moncloa in November 2011, Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría was appointed Vice-President, Minister of the Presidency and Government Spokesperson. In addition, she took charge of the National Intelligence Center (CNI), a service that until then had been part of the Ministry of Defense.

Her tactics in the face of 1-O have been more than discussed. In the retina, the police charges during the referendum day that left more than 800 people injured. Then, the avalanche of complaints of the Government before the Constitutional Court against the Parliament and the Catalan Government, instead of betting on dialogue.

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The open war with Cospedal has kept the rest of the conservative leaders on edge on more than one occasion. One of the most talked-about tense scenes between the two took place during the May Day celebrations at the Casa de Correos in Madrid, when the two most powerful women in the PP sat down without looking at each other and left a chair between them.

Soraya saenz de santamaria marido del momento

The retired commissioner and in provisional prison José Manuel Villarejo told the judge of the National Court Manuel García Castellón that the former vice president of the Government Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría maneuvered so that the PISA report (Pablo Iglesias Sociedad Anónima) – created to harm Podemos – was a «bodrio» and «decaffeinated» because then it did not suit the PP that the purple party lost much strength, since it could steal votes from the PSOE.

This is what Villarejo said during the statement he gave in court, to which Europa Press has had access, after the opening of part 10 of the macro case Tandem, which investigates the theft of the cell phone of Dina Bousselham, former adviser to the leader of Podemos, Pablo Iglesias.

In the CIS (Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas) barometer published in May 2016, Podemos suffered a significant drop in voting intentions, losing three points (from 20.7% in 20-D to 17.7%).

When asked what he did with the flash drive, Villarejo replied that he handed it over to the Deputy Operational Directorate of the National Police then headed by Eugenio Pino and that «surely» it will be so registered, «if it is not one of those notes that they purge so that they do not come out».

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Soraya saenz de santamaria marido online

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